I fell in with him at a bookstore in Shanghai.
A lean, hunger wolf chanced one moonshiny night to fall in with a plump , wellfed House-Dog.
(5) Fountain solution dasage astheno acid small, block blank portion would fall in with hydrophilia, confecting fountain solution entirely in Hong Kong.
You were apt to fall in with them.
He fell asleep with that ball in his hand.
他睡着了 手里握着球。
He also fell in with a like minded swindler by the name of Benjamin Pietzel.
I practiced day and night, and sometimes I fell asleep with my trombone in my hands.
The 27 and 87- year-old men both fell ill with the flu in February and died later in March.
Mrs. Bradley fell in with the plan.
You gonna fall asleep with those things in your head?
难道你不保持睡眠 这些斗牛场的职位?
You move to the city, you fall in with the wrong crowd.
你搬到城里来 坏混在起。
Once Henry's security team has fallen in with the Secret Service cars, they're off.
旦亨利的安全团队遇到了特勤局的汽车, 他们就出发了。
On the way he fell in with some peasants carting manure, a few of Markelov's former serfs.
在路上,他遇到了些运粪肥的农民, 其中有几是马尔克洛夫以前的农奴。
I have found that my present job doesn't fall in with my previous training and strength.
I always wear these on the plane. I always fall asleep with them in my ear and stuff.
And there they fell in with a whole flock of molly-mocks, who were feeding on a dead whale.
He's yawning, puts his elbow up on the other projector, falls asleep with his head in his hand.
Tyrique was raised by a single mother, and then after high school, he fell in with the wrong crowd.
Tyrique 由单身母亲抚养长大,高中毕业后, 他陷入了错误的群。
Yeah, yeah, I told her about the time you got drunk and fell asleep with your head in the toilet.
What if they fall in with wrong crowd? What if my kids get offered ecstasy at a party or a club?
Until Margaret had learnt the times of their ingress and egress, she was very unfortunate in constantly falling in with them.
直到玛格丽特知道了他们进出的时间, 她很不幸,不断地他们混在起。
In childhood he had fallen in with a gang of thieves, but he possessed a humorous vein which attracted people to him.
他童年时曾与帮盗贼混为谈, 但他具有幽默风趣的气质, 深受们喜。
May herself could not understand his obscure reluctance to fall in with so reasonable and pleasant a way of spending the summer.